

教师教育研究 教师教育研究



杨明全,岳 鑫

(北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院,北京 100875)

[摘要] 习近平总书记关于教师队伍建设的论述内涵丰富、立意深远,体现了党和国家对教师培养的重大战略安排。这些重要论述指明了我国教师培养的目标和价值,刻画了人民教师的形象,明确了对教师的思想政治要求。基于这些重要论述,本文首先从培养“大先生”这一目标定位出发,分析了新时代教师培养的目标;其次围绕“兴国必先强师”这一价值定位,探讨了教师培养制度的完善问题;接下来针对“四有好老师”的形象定位,阐述了教师培养的标杆和要求;最后结合“以人民为中心”这一政治定位,探讨了师德师风建设问题。

[关键词] 习近平教育论述;大先生;四有好老师;教师队伍建设


The Rich Connotation of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourses

on Construction of Teaching Force in the New Era

——The Great Mission of Teacher Cultivation in China

YANG Mingquan, YUE Xin

(Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: General Secretary Xi Jinping’s discourses on the construction of the teaching force are rich in connotation, which reflect the party and the state’s major strategic arrangements for teacher cultivation. These important discourses indicate the goal and value of teacher cultivation in our country, depict the image of the teachers, and clarify the ideological and political requirements for teachers. These important discourses are the basis of this study. Firstly, this paper analyzes the goal of teacher cultivation in the new era from the orientation of the goal of “Great Master Teacher”. Secondly, based on the value orientation of “rejuvenating the country must first strengthen teachers”, this paper discusses the perfection of teacher cultivation system. Thirdly, this paper describes the Standards and requirements of teacher cultivation in view of the image orientation of “Four-good Teachers”. Finally, combined with the political orientation of “People-centered Development”, this paper discusses the improvement of teacher’s professional ethics.

Key Words: Xi Jinping’s education discourses, the “Great Master Teacher”, “Four-good Teachers”, construction of teaching force



袁 丽,王梦霏

(教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京 100875)

[摘要] 本研究通过文献分析法与德尔菲法,对我国教师的“拔尖创新人才培育素养”框架进行探索性建构。该框架以拔尖创新人才核心素养为逻辑起点,以国际上关于资优教育教师的专业素养理念为借鉴,以教师专业素养结构“三维说”作为一级指标的建构依据。通过三轮德尔菲法对三个级别指标进行意见征询,综合吸纳12位专家意见,建构起以专业知识素养、专业能力素养、专业精神素养为一级指标,并包括12个二级指标、31个三级指标的中国教师“拔尖创新人才培育素养”框架,各素养指标之间呈现出互依共生性、权重均衡性与发展协同性。在此基础上,研究就“课程教学——嵌入式实践——主题拓展”三个方面提出针对师范生拔尖创新人才培育素养的培养策略建议。

[关键词] 拔尖创新人才;拔尖创新人才培育;教师素养框架;教师培养


Framework and Cultivating Path of “Top-notch Innovative Talent Cultivation Literacy” for Chinese Teachers

YUAN Li, WANG Mengfei

(Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences for Universities, Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: Through literature analysis and Delphi method, this study attempts to construct the framework of “top-notch innovative talent cultivation” of Chinese teachers. The framework takes the core literacy of top innovative talents as the logical starting point, takes the international professional literacy requirements of gifted education teachers as the reference experience, and takes the “three-dimensional theory” of teacher professional literacy structure as the basis for the construction of first-level indicators. Through three rounds of Delphi method, the opinions of the three levels of indicators were consulted, and the opinions of 12 experts were comprehensively recruited to construct a framework of “top-notch innovative talent cultivation literacy” for Chinese teachers, which takes professional knowledge literacy, professional ability literacy and professional spirit literacy as first-level indicators, and includes 12 second-level indicators and 31 third-level indicators. There are interdependent symbiosis, balanced weight and cooperative development among the literacy indicators. On this basis, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the cultivation of normal university students’ quality from three aspects: curriculum education, embedded practice and theme development.

Key Words: top-notch innovative talents, cultivating top-notch innovative talents, teacher competency framework, teacher cultivating



陈 举

(安庆师范大学教师教育学院,安徽安庆 246133)

[摘要] 反思职前教师教育的课程设置问题,发现学科限度划定了课程内容的知识边界、课程管理的权力边界、课程组织的实践边界以及课程评价的功能边界,无法满足基础教育跨学科主题学习的教学需求。“跨学科”以学科知识整合为职前教师教育课程改革提供了方向,师范院校可以从课程目标的综合性、课程内容的整合性、课程实施的情境性以及课程评价的发展性等方面,探索职前教师教育课程的跨学科路径。

[关键词] 职前教师教育;课程设置;学科限度;跨学科


The Disciplinary Limit and Interdisciplinary Path of Pre-service Teacher Education Curriculum Setting


(School of Teacher Education,Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui, 246133,China)

AbstractReflecting on the curriculum setting of pre-service teacher education, it is found that the discipline bounds defines the knowledge boundary of curriculum content, the power boundary of curriculum management, the practice boundary of curriculum organization and the functional boundary of curriculum evaluation, which cannot meet the teaching needs of interdisciplinary thematic learning in basic education.“Interdisciplinary”provides a direction for the reform of pre-service teacher education curriculum with the involvement of subject knowledge. Normal universities should explore the interdisciplinary path of pre-service teacher education curriculum from the comprehensiveness of curriculum objectives, the integration of curriculum content, the situational nature of curriculum implementation and the development of curriculum evaluation.

Key Wordspre-service teacher education, curriculum setting, discipline bounds, interdisciplinary




(河南大学教育学部,河南开封 475004)

[摘要] 基于“经验的概念化”思想理解教学经验的概念化,这是将教学经验上升为实践性教学知识、实现教学经验理论升华的过程,其内在逻辑是在历时态的时间结构中探寻教学经验的实践规律,以生成实践性教学知识并充分发挥教学经验的校本指导意义。根据教学经验概念化的内在逻辑,立足校本发展、面向教育实践,教学经验概念化应遵循“改造经验创生知识”的基本理路,通过“呈现具体经验—反思观察—抽象概括—积极检验”的实践路径,促进教师实践性教学知识的生成,从而实现教学经验的理论升华并发挥其实践指导价值。

[关键词] 教学经验;教学经验概念化;实践性知识


The Inner Logic and Practical Path of Conceptualizing of Teacher’s Teaching Experience

XIN Xiaoling, WEI Hongjv

(Department of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng,Henan, 475004,China)

Abstract: Based on the concept of “conceptualization of experience”, understanding the conceptualizing of teaching experience is a process of elevating teaching experience into practical teaching knowledge and realizing the sublimation of teaching experience theory. Its internal logic is to explore the practical laws of teaching experience in the temporal structure, in order to generate practical teaching theory and fully utilize the school-based guiding significance of teaching experience. According to the inherent logic of conceptualizing of teaching experience, based on school-based development and oriented towards educational practice, the conceptualizing of teaching experience should follow the basic principle of “transforming experience to create knowledge”. Through the practical path of “presenting specific experience-reflecting observation-abstract summary-positive testing”, it promotes the generation of practical teaching knowledge for teachers, thereby achieving the theoretical sublimation of teaching experience and its practical guiding significance.

Key Words: teaching experience, conceptualizing of teaching experience, practical teaching knowledge



王 爽1, 刘善槐2, 毋锶锶2

(1.东北师范大学教师教育研究院,吉林长春 130024;2.东北师范大学中国农村教育发展研究院,吉林长春 130024)

[摘要] 义务教育教师编制既要保证学龄人口享有均等化的教育服务,也应注重提高编制资源的使用效益。当前,义务教育教师编制配置难以适应学龄人口变动带来的师资需求变化,呈现出“无编可用”“超编超员”“超编缺人”和“空编不补”等供需失配样态。编制动态调整面临着多重制度障碍:核定标准单一导致富余与紧缺并存,管理权力分置引发控编与用编冲突,制度性壁垒凸显计划性与流动性悖论。面对人口变动新形势,应构建多维弹性编制核定标准,创新挖潜盘活编制管理制度,完善跨级跨区编制流转机制。

[关键词] 教师编制;人口变动;动态调整;挖潜盘活


Research on the Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism of Authorized Staff Size System for Compulsory Education Teachers under the Background of Population Change

WANG Shuang1,LIU Shanhuai2,WU Sisi2

(1.College of Teacher Education Research, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,130024,China;2.China Institute of Rural Education Development, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,130024,China)

AbstractThe authorized staff size system for teachers should not only ensure equal educational services for the school-age population, but also focus on improving the efficient use of staffing resources. At present, it is difficult to adapt the authorized size of teachers to the changes in teacher demand brought about by demographic changes, showing a mismatch between supply and demand, such as “no available staffing” “over-staffing and overstaffed” “over-staffing and lack of staff” and “staff vacancies not filled”. The dynamic adjustment mechanism of authorized staff size system faces multiple institutional obstacles: the single standard of approval leads to surplus and shortage, the separation of management authority leads to control and use conflicts, and institutional barriers highlight the planning and mobility paradox. To cope with the new situation of population changes, we should build a multi-dimensional flexible staff size approval standard, innovate to tap the potential and revitalize the staff size management system, and improve the cross-level and cross-district staff size flow mechanism.

Key Wordsauthorized staff size system for teachers, population changes, dynamic adjustment, tapping and revitalizing




王泓瑶,裴 淼

(教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京 100875)

[摘要] 师德是教师队伍建设的思想根基,概念学习是学习的起点。作为未来教师,师范生师德概念学习面临着应然和实然的双重挑战。本研究致力于探究具身师德学习路径对师范生师德概念学习的影响,通过对师范生不同学习阶段的师德概念理解进行内容分析可知,在具身师德学习路径中,师范生通过情境映射和行为隐喻完成了角色迁移;其学习过程超越学习者—学习内容的主客二分、凸显师范生—未来教师的生存过程并转向具身性—生命存在的此在存在。借助具身师德学习路径,师范生们的师德基本概念学习水平得到了不同层次的提升。

[关键词] 具身认知;具身师德学习;概念学习;学习进阶


Prospective Teachers’ Cognitive Progression under the Embodied Teacher Moral Learning Approaches

——Content Analysis Based on Concept Learning

WANG Hongyao, PEI Miao

(Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences for Universities, Ministry of Education,Beijing,100875, China)

Abstract: Teachers’ morality is the ideological foundation of teacher training, and conceptual learning is the starting point of all learning. As future teachers, prospective teachers’ conceptual learning of teachers’ morality is faced with the dual challenges of contingency and actuality. This study is devoted to exploring the impact of the embodied teacher moral learning path on the conceptual learning of teacher morality of prospective teachers. Through the content analysis of the conceptual understanding of teacher morality of prospective teachers at different stages of learning, it can be seen that in the embodied teacher moral learning path, prospective teachers have completed the role transfer through situational mapping and behavioral metaphors, and that the learning process shows a process of transcending the subject/object dichotomy between the learner-content of learning and emphasizing the learning process shows a shift beyond the subject-object dichotomy of learner-content, highlighting the existential process of prospective teacher-future teacher, and shifting to the here-and-now existence of embodiment. With the help of the embodied teacher moral learning path, the prospective teachers’ learning level of basic concepts of teacher morality has been improved at different levels.
Key Words: embodied cognition, embodied teacher moral learning, concept learning, learning progressions





(1.北京联合大学师范学院,北京 100011;2.华北电力大学经济与管理学院,河北保定 071003;3.中共中央党校(国家行政学院)公共管理教研部,北京 100089;4.运城师范高等专科学校教育与心理学系,山西运城 044000)

[摘要] 教育实习是师范生职前—职后的重要衔接期。师范生对自身教育实习满意度的高低直接关系其对教师职业的理解及认同。以864名在读师范生为样本,基于社会认知理论和资源保存理论,研究构建了以职业获益感为促进机制和以角色压力为抑制机制的双重中介模型,并引入重要他人支持这一调节变量。结果发现:教育实习既能激发师范生职业获益感进而提升其职业认同感,也易使师范生产生角色压力进而削弱其职业认同感。重要他人支持起到缓冲作用,正向调节教育实习与职业获益感之间的关系,负向调节教育实习与角色压力之间的关系。

[关键词] 教育实习;职业获益感;角色压力;职业认同感


The Double-Edge Sword Effects of Education Practice to Normal Students’ Professional Identity

——Multiple Mediation Models Based on Role Stress and Perceived Professional Benefits

REN Yongcan1,REN Yongqi2,LI Danhua3,WANG Xiaojie4
(1.Teachers’ College,Beijing Union University, Beijing,100011,China; 2.School of Economics and Management,North China Electric Power University, Baoding, Hebei, 071003, China; 3.National Academy of Governance, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C,Beijing, 100089, China; 4.Department of Education and Psychology,Yuncheng  Advanced Normal College,Yuncheng, Shanxi, 044000, China)
Abstract: Educational practice is an important transition period between pre-service and post-employment for normal students. The level of satisfaction of normal students with their own practical experiences is related to their understanding and recognition of teachers. Based on the social cognition theory and the conservation of resource theory, this study proposed a parallel multiple mediation model where the role stress as the suppression mechanism and perceived professional benefits as the promotion mechanism in the relationship between educational practice and pre-service teachers’ professional identity, and introduced support from significant others as a moderator. Using survey data from 864 pre-service teachers, it found that educational practice would lead to role stress, which in turn do harm to the pre-service teachers’ professional identity; educational practice might evoke the pre-service teachers’ perceived professional benefits, which subsequently promotes professional identity. Support from significant others positively moderated the relationship between educational practice and the pre-service teachers’ perceived professional benefits, negatively moderated the relationship between educational practice and the pre-service teachers’ role stress.

Key Words: educational practice,perceived professional benefits,role stress, professional identity



邱化民,刘倩倩,石 垠

(北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875)

[摘要] 欠发达地区教师工作满意度影响教师教育质量和教师职业坚守,是教师下得去、留得住、教得好的重要影响因素。通过对459名欠发达地区教师的问卷调查发现,教师人际信任对其工作满意度具有直接正向影响,且通过自我效能感和工作投入的链式中介发挥间接作用。进一步分析发现,对校长的信任、对同事的信任、对学生的信任均可以直接影响教师的工作满意度,也可以间接通过自我效能感和工作投入的链式中介影响教师的工作满意度。为进一步提高欠发达地区教师工作满意度,有必要增进教师人际信任,提高自我效能感和工作投入。

[关键词] 欠发达地区教师;工作满意度;自我效能感;工作投入


The Influence of Interpersonal Trust on Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Underdeveloped Areas: Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Job Engagement

QIU Huamin, LIU Qianqian, SHI Yin

(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: The job satisfaction of teachers in underdeveloped areas affects the quality of teachers’ education and professional persistence, and is an important influencing factor for teachers to be able to work, stay and teach well. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 459 teachers from poverty-alleviation areas. It was found that teachers’ interpersonal trust has a direct positive effect on their job satisfaction, and it plays an indirect role through the chain mediation of self-efficacy and job engagement. Further analysis showed that trust in the principal, trust in colleagues and trust in students can directly affect teachers’ job satisfaction, and can indirectly affect teachers’ job satisfaction through the chain mediation of self-efficacy and job engagement. To further improve teachers’ job satisfaction, it is necessary to enhance teachers’ interpersonal trust, self-efficacy and job engagement.

Key Words: teacher in underdeveloped areas, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, job engagement





(石河子大学师范学院,新疆石河子 832000)

[摘要] 基于新疆M县71所幼儿园基础数据资料,研究构建教师数量、结构、质量配置三维教师资源配置效能评价体系,综合运用主成分分析法、回归分析法考察教师资源配置效能与影响机理。研究发现:第一,县域内学前教师资源综合配置效能表现为镇级园所资源配置效能结构性失衡、乡级园所“整体塌陷”、村级园所整体效能提升最为突出;第二,县域内镇、乡、村各级园所教师资源配置效能在不同维度上呈现“短板效应”;第三,运用链式中介模型发现存在四条路径影响教师资源配置总体效能。研究据此提出提升县域学前教师资源配置效能的相关建议。

[关键词] 学前教育;教师资源配置;效能;中介效应


Analysis of the Efficacy of County Preschool Teachers’ Resource Allocation and Their Relational Pathways

——A Case Study of 71 Kindergartens in M County, Xinjiang

FANG Jianhua, SHI Xiaoqing

(Normal School,Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang,832000, China)

Abstract: Based on 71 kindergartens in M County, Xinjiang, this study constructed a three-dimensional teacher resource allocation effectiveness evaluation system based on quantitative, structural and qualitative teacher resource allocation, and used principal component analysis and regression analysis to empirically examine the effectiveness and impact mechanisms of preschool teacher resource allocation. Results show that: firstly, the comprehensive allocation effectiveness of preschool teachers’ resources in the county showed a structural imbalance in county kindergartens, “overall collapse” in rural kindergartens, and the most improvement in village kindergartens; secondly, the effectiveness of teacher resource allocation in county, rural, and village kindergartens shows a “short board effect” in different dimensions; Thirdly, there were four pathways affecting the overall effectiveness of teacher resourcing.

Key Words: preschool education, allocation of teacher resources, effectiveness, mediating effect




胥兴春1,左 越1,李星宇2

(1.西南大学教育学部,重庆 400715;2.成都市实验小学附属幼儿园,四川成都 610074)

[摘要] “双减”政策自颁布以来引发了社会舆论的广泛关注,“双减”背景下的教师工作负担及减负问题也成为了教育界研究的热点问题。本研究基于新浪微博中爬取到的43500条直接评论数据,采用扎根理论展开分析。结果发现,“双减”背景下,教师工作负担主要表现为学校场域中的“迷失”、社会场域中的“误解”和家庭场域中的“缺失”;教师工作负担的深层根源主要是相关政策的缺漏、学校管理水平的失焦、教师形象的偏差以及家校共育的无力等。基于此,需从相关政策的拾遗补阙、学校管理的赋能创新、社会舆论的扶正纠偏以及共育网络的提质增效等方面探索“双减”背景下教师减负的实践路向。

[关键词] “双减”政策;教师工作负担;教师减负;新浪微博


The Realistic Representation, Deep Roots and Ways of Reducing Teacher’s Work Burden in the Context of “Double Reduction”

——Analysis based on 43500 comments on Sina Weibo

XU Xingchun1, ZUO Yue1, LI Xingyu2

(1.Faculty of Education,Southwest University,Chongqing,400715, China;2.Chengdu Experimental Primary School Affiliated Kindergarten, Chengdu,Sichuan,610074,China)

Abstract: Since the promulgation of the “double reduction” policy, it has attracted widespread attention from public opinion. The issue of teachers’ workload and burden reduction in the context of “double reduction” has also become a hot issue in the educational field. This study is based on 43500 direct comment data crawled from Sina Weibo, using grounded theory for analysis. The results show that under the background of “double reduction”, the main manifestations of teachers’ work burden are “loss” in the school field, “misunderstanding” in the social field, and “lack” in the family field; The deep roots of teachers’ work burden mainly stem from the imperfect policies, the low level of school management, the guidance of teachers’ image, and the low quality of family school co education. Based on this, it is necessary to explore the practical path of teacher burden reduction in the context of “double reduction” from the perspectives of relevant policies to fill gaps, enabling innovation in school management, correcting deviations by public opinion, and improving the quality and efficiency of joint education networks.

Key Words: “double reduction” policy, teacher work burden, reducing burden,Sina Weibo





(1.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875;2.国家教育行政学院教师工作与研究部,北京 102617;3.北京市朝阳区朝花幼儿园,北京 100124)

[摘要] 自媒体背景下,幼儿园利用微信公众平台进行宣传展示并对外建构幼儿园教师的形象。本研究基于传播学的视角,运用内容分析法分析了15个幼儿园公众号共468篇文章,以探究幼儿园微信公众平台中的幼儿教师形象。结果发现,幼儿园微信公众号围绕着幼儿教师的教育行为和专业知能,呈现了“教育者”形象,一定程度上修正和重构了幼儿教师的媒介形象;但同时其形象呈现也存在对专业理念和师德呈现不足、未能全面综合展示专业知能、未能凸显专业职业特点、个体形象不够凸显、形象建构策略单一、传播效果不佳等问题。幼儿园教师应树立印象管理意识,围绕专业形象进行适宜的自我呈现;幼儿园应掌握自媒体运营策略,积极建构幼儿园教师群体的专业形象。

[关键词] 幼儿园教师形象;自媒体;微信公众平台;内容分析


The Self-construction of Preschool Teachers’ Image in the We Media Era

——Content Analysis of Messages on Kindergarten WeChat Public Platform

LIU Weiwei1,YOU Yushi2,ZHAO Manman3

(1.Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China;2.National Academy of Education Administration, Beijing, 102617, China;3.Beijing Chaoyang Zhaohua Kindergarten, Beijing, 100124, China)

Abstract: In the We Media era, kindergartens utilize WeChat public platform for promotion and display, and constructing the image of preschool teachers externally. Based on the perspective of communication studies, this study uses the content analysis method to analyze 468 articles in 15 kindergartens’official account to explore the preschool teachers’ image in the WeChat public platform. The results show that the kindergarten WeChat official account presents the image of “educator” around preschool teachers’ educational behavior and professional knowledge, and to a certain extent, corrects and reconstructs the media image of preschool teachers. However, at the same time, the image presentation also faces problems such as insufficient presentation of professional concepts and ethics, failure to comprehensively showcase professional knowledge and abilities, failure to highlight professional characteristics, insufficient highlighting of individual image, single image construction strategy, and lack of humanistic spirit. Preschool teachers should establish a sense of impression management and present themselves appropriately around their professional image. Meanwhile, kindergartens should master the operation strategies of We Media and actively construct the professional image of preschool teachers.

Key Words: preschool teachers’ image, We Media, WeChat public platform, content analysis




(1.北京师范大学珠海校区,广东珠海 519087;2.澳门大学,澳门 999078)

[摘要] 当前,随着国家对学前教育事业的重视,从事学前教育的教师数量在不断增加,其中不乏男性,社会对男幼师的关注也随之增加。基于此,本文采用质的研究中扎根理论范式,对广东省Z市16位公立园的男幼师进行半结构式访谈,探讨男幼师独特的情感劳动过程,并尝试对访谈资料进行编码、加工与分析,从而构建理论模型。研究结果如下:第一,公立园男幼师自身的情感劳动具有受职业特征、职业优势和职业劣势共同作用、影响的特征;第二,男幼师基于生产劳动所产生的情感变化对其工作产生了阶段性影响;第三,性别主要分积极和消极两部分影响男幼师教学过程与情感劳动。

[关键词] 公立园;男幼师;情感劳动;过程图景;扎根理论


Do What I Want: A Qualitative Study on the Emotional Labor Process of Male Kindergarten Teachers in Z City from the Perspective of Grounded Theory

WU Xiaowei1, ZHANG Jianing2

(1.Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai,Zhuhai,Guangdong,519087, China;2.University of Macau,Macau,999078,China)

Abstract: Currently, with the country’s emphasis and development on preschool education, the number of teachers engaged in preschool education is constantly increasing, including many males. Society’s attention to male preschool teachers has also increased. Based on this, this article adopts a qualitative research grounded theoretical paradigm to conduct semi-structured interviews with 16 male preschool teachers in public kindergartens in Z City, Guangdong Province, exploring their unique emotional labor process, and attempting to code the interview materials Process and analyze to construct a theoretical model. The results are as follows: (1) The emotional labor of male kindergarten teachers in public kindergartens has the characteristics of occupational characteristics, occupational advantages and occupational disadvantages. (2) The emotional changes produced by male kindergarten teachers based on production and labor have a phased impact on their work. (3) Gender is mainly divided into positive and negative parts, which affect the teaching process and emotional labor of male kindergarten teachers.

Key Words: public kindergartens,male kindergarten teacher, emotional labor,process picture, grounded theory





(西安外国语大学,陕西西安 710128)

 [摘要] 语言能力是英语教师专业素养的本体性要素,也是中小学英语教师职前培养的前提与基础。基于扎根理论的研究范式,研究通过对21位中小学英语资深教师进行深度访谈及数据分析,在“产出导向”视角下构建了英语教师语言能力框架。知识、能力、文化、思维、实践5个要素集及14个核心子要素,呈现出语言能力发展的交融多样性、动态复杂性和综合实践性。职前语言能力框架的内在逻辑,赋予中小学英语教师语言能力发展的现实路径,也助推中小学英语教师职前阶段人才培养的综合改革。

[关键词] 语言能力;职前培养;发展框架;扎根理论


Construction and Development Strategies of Pre-service English Language Proficiency  Framework for Primary and Secondary School English Teachers

——A Qualitative Research Based on Front-line Senior Teachers

SUN Erjun, LI Shimeng

(Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, Shaanxi,710128,China)

Abstract: Language proficiency is the ontological element of English teachers’ professionalism, and it is also a prerequisite and foundation for the pre-service training of English teachers in primary and secondary schools. Based on grounded theory research paradigm, this paper constructed a framework for English teachers’language proficiency from the ‘production-oriented’ perspective, through in-depth interviews and data analysis with 21 senior English teachers in primary and secondary schools. The framework, which consists of 5 core elements including knowledge, competence, culture, thinking and practice, and 14 core sub-elements, presents the blending diversity, dynamic complexity and integrated practice of language proficiency development. The internal logic of the pre-service language proficiency framework shows a realistic path to teachers’ language proficiency development, and is also conducive to the comprehensive reform of English teacher training at the pre-service stage in primary and secondary schools.

Key Words: language proficiency, pre-service teacher training, development framework, grounded theory



李传兵1,贺 昆2

(1.重庆师范大学体育与健康科学学院,重庆 401331;2.琼台师范学院体育学院,海南海口 571127)

[摘要] 本研究通过梳理职前体育教师教学能力已有研究,发现国外职前体育教师教学能力研究整体呈现出由一般到具体、由单一向多元、由建构向行动发展的研究趋向,而国内研究整体呈现出由经验向理论升华,由一般往专项深化,由自主摸索向域外镜鉴演变的研究趋向;职前体育教师教学能力已有研究经历了经验归纳、理论建构和反思实践三种范式转换,目前存在的问题主要有能力结构杂且缺少层次性、横断研究多而追踪研究少、理论建构多而实践行动少、主观评判多而达成评价少。未来要重塑职前体育教师教学能力层次结构、设置职前体育教师教学能力阶段目标、强化职前体育教师教学能力实践培养、重视职前体育教师教学能力达成评价。

[关键词] 职前体育教师;教学能力;教师教育;范式转换


Theme Changes, Paradigm Shifts and Future Directions in the Research of Teaching Ability of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers

LI Chuanbing1,  HE Kun2

(1.College of Physical Education and Health Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, 401331, China; 2.College of Physical Education, Qiongtai Normal University, Haikou, Hainan, 571127, China)

Abstract: By reviewing the existing research on the teaching ability of pre-service physical education teachers, this study found that the overall research on the teaching ability of pre-service physical education teachers abroad has shown a research trend from general to specific, from single to multiple, and from construction to action, while the overall domestic research has shown a sublimation from experience to theory, from general to special, and from independent exploration to extraterritorial reference. The teaching ability of pre-service physical education teachers has undergone three paradigm shifts: experience induction, theoretical construction and reflective practice. The current problems mainly is that the ability structure is complex but lack of hierarchy, more cross-sectional research but less tracking research, more theoretical construction but less practical action, and more subjective judgment but less achieved evaluation. In the future, it is necessary to reshape the teaching ability hierarchy, to set the stage goals, to strengthen the practical training, and to attach importance to the achieved evaluation of pre-service physical education teachers’ teaching ability.

Key Words: pre-service physical education teacher, teaching ability, teacher education, paradigm shift




(华东师范大学马克思主义学院,上海 200241)

[摘要] 经过华东教育部的积极筹备和建校学习,新中国第一所社会主义师范大学——华东师范大学,最终在1951年10月16日成立。孟宪承先生作为第一任校长,始终坚持社会主义的办学理念,对学校的教学、科研、实习等提出一系列独特见解。在他理念的影响下,学校在思想建设、教育改革、科学研究、教育实习、社会服务等方面开展特色的办学实践,开创了社会主义师范大学办学道路,形成了社会主义师范教育模式,培养了一批又一批为社会主义服务的人民教师。当前,师范教育在不断改革过程中,要继续秉持这一社会主义办学理念和实践,确立兼顾师范性与学术性的观念,注重理论与实践相结合的路径,构建中国特色社会主义师范教育体系。

[关键词] 人民教师;孟宪承;社会主义师范大学;师范教育


Meng Xiancheng and the New China’s First Socialist Normal University’s School-running Exploration and Its Value of the Times

LIU Haiyan

(School of Marxism, East China Normal University, Shanghai,200241,China)

Abstract: After active preparation and learning from the Ministry of Education in East China, the first socialist normal university in New China-East China Normal University—was finally established on October 16, 1951. Mr. Meng Xiancheng, as the first principal, has always adhered to the socialist educational philosophy and proposed a series of unigue insights for the school’s teaching, research, and internship. Under the influence of his philosophy, the school has carried out distinctive educational practices in ideological construction, educational reform, scientific research, educational internships, and social services, pioneering the path of socialist normal university education, forming the socialist normal education model, and cultivating a group of people’s teachers who serve society. In the current process of continuous reform in teacher education, we must continue to uphold this socialist educational philosophy and practice, establish a concept that balances teacher education and academia, pay attention to the path of combining theory and practice, and build a socialist teacher education system with Chinese characteristics.

Key Words: people’s teachers,Meng Xiancheng, socialist normal university, normal education





(西北师范大学教育科学学院,甘肃兰州 730070)

[摘要] 数字时代的到来对数字化教师的培养提出了新的要求,数字胜任力成为新时代教师必备的关键能力。欧盟对教师数字胜任力的研究较早,并发布了涵盖6大领域的《欧盟教师数字胜任力框架》(DigCompEdu)。在框架的指导下,欧盟及成员国积极探索,提出完善数字化教学基础建设、提供数字技能培训、搭建数字化教育平台、开发数字化评估工具和制定数字化教学道德准则的数字化教师培养路径。欧盟教师数字胜任力框架及其开发的自我评估工具,为我国加强教师数字胜任力标准的规范设计并建立以人为本的教师数字胜任力培养体系提供了基本参照,也为我国开发基于标准的自我评估工具、促进教师教育数字化转型提供了基本思路。

[关键词] 欧盟;教师数字胜任力;培养路径


A Study on European Union Teachers’ Digital Competence Cultivation Path and Its Enlightenment

——Analysis based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators

WANG Zhaojing, TU Tianyuan

(College of Educational Sciences,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,Gansu,730070, China)

Abstract: The advent of the digital age has placed new demands on the cultivation of digital teachers, with digital competence becoming a key competency for teacher in this new era. The European Union is an early researcher on teachers’ digital competence and has published the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu), which covers six areas. Under the guidance of the DigCompEdu, the EU and its member states have actively explored and proposed the cultivation paths: improving digital infrastructure, providing digital technology training, building digital education platform, developing digital assessment tools and formulating digital teaching ethics guidelines. DigCompEdu and self-reflection tool of teachers’ digital competence provide a basic reference for China to enhance the normative design of teachers’ digital competency standards and establish a human-oriented teacher digital competence training system, and provide basic idea to develop a standard-based self-reflection tool and promote the digital transformation of teacher education.

Key Words: European Union, teachers’ digital competence, cultivation path





(华中师范大学教育学院,湖北武汉 430079)

[摘要] 以色列一直致力于教师教育的改善与提高。在国家统一管理下,以色列教师教育历经前学术化、学术化与专业化三个发展阶段,最终形成了师范学院与综合大学相结合的两级教师教育体系,彰显了自身特色。如注重非师范生的教育理论学习与实践训练,重视教师的研究素养培育,严格教师入职培训与考核。当然,以色列教师教育也面临师范学院管理矛盾突出、师范学院地位与研究的双重困境以及多元文化教育不足的挑战。以色列的教师教育体系能够为我国教师教育改革提供一些启示与借鉴。

[关键词] 以色列;教师教育;师范学院;综合大学


The Dual Tensions of Teacher Training in Academic College of Education and Comprehensive Universities

——Practical Exploration of Teacher Education in Israel 75 years

WANG Jianliang,LIU Chenxi

(School of Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079, China)

AbstractIsrael has been committed to the improvement and advancement of teacher education. Under the unified management of the state,teacher education in Israel has gone through three stages of development: pre-academic,academic and professionalization,and finally formed a two-tier teacher education system combining academic college of education and comprehensive universities,highlighting its own characteristics:focusing on theoretical learning and practical training of education for non-normal-school students,emphasizing the cultivation of research literacy of teachers,and strict teacher induction training and assessment. However,teacher education in Israel also faces the challenges of the contradictory management of academic college of education,the dual dilemma of status and research in academic college of education and the inadequacy of multicultural education. The Israeli teacher education system can provide certain insights and lessons for the reform of teacher education in China.

Key Words: Israel, teacher education, academic college of education, comprehensive universities







